Training: Lublin Custom office

Live transport investigation in Poland together with the Polish Road Transport Police (ITD)

Polish local transport of broilers.
Investigation in Poland: Live transport inspections during the night together with the Polish Road Transport Police (ITD)

Irish transporter carries 47 unweaned calves too many. Also, there is insufficient space above their heads.
Investigation with the Polish Road Transport Inspection (ITD)

Together with the Polish Road Transportation Inspection (ITD) our team is on the lookout for live transports.
Successful closure for our projects in Poland

A decade working for the animals: Bogdan, Anna, Nadja, Michal. Vorne Magda, Katarzyna.
Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report December: Last days of our Farm Animal Service Team

Marcinkow: The last day of work for our farriers: Michal and Bogan.
Poland: Live transport inspections together with the Road Transport Police (ITD)

Our team watches the road for live transports together with the Polish road transport police (ITD).
Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report November: Farm Animal Service

Linow: We are taking the puppies to a foster home until they find new owners.
Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report October: Farm Animal Service

Dobruchna: We are trimming the hooves of a lame mare.