Investigations by country:

19. November 2024

Budapest, Ungarn - Training For Competent Authorities

Inspektion eines Tiertransporters

Two trainings for Competent Authorities in october and november.

08. April 2020

Hungary, Slovenia, Israel | Lamb exports by sea to non-European countries

Hungarian lambs after their arrival in the Israeli port of Haifa (Copyright: IALS).

Together with our partner organisation, Israel Against Live Shipments (IALS), we are documenting the export of Hungarian lambs to Israel. Our team finds out that on March 31, 2020 the Hungarian lambs will first be transported by truck to the Slovenian port of Koper.

In this port, the animals, which are between four and five months, are…

12. April 2019

Poland, Hungary | Positive response to our sheep transport document

[Translate to English:]

The national competent authorities of Poland and Hungary respond in a very positive way to our handout about sheep transport.

Based on our experience and legal knowledge, TSB|AWF prepared a document summarising the most frequent violations found during the transport of sheep, especially lambs. In 2018 and this year before Easter – peak time…

10. March 2015

Hungary, Slovenia | Nagykaniza | Animal Transport

[Translate to English:] Team rettet verletzten Sperber

On the way to the place of investigation our team has its first animal rescue. On the three-lane-road around Munich they see an injured sparrow hawk. The team stops the car on the emergency lane, runs back to the place where they saw the bird and amazingly, he is still sitting there alive. They manage to slow down the traffic and catch the bird.…