CA Trainings

    Theory: We are sharing our experience and explaining the basic principles of animal transport controls.
    Practice: After the theoretical part the teams go together on the road with our experts to control life animal consignments.
    Tutors: All our tutors have more than 20 years of practice in live animal transport. Most of them are veterinarians and some are tutors in the training courses BTSF (Better Training for Safer Food) organized by the European Commission.
    Competent authorities should control animal transport regularly. During joint inspections, infringements of the Regulation on the protection of animals during transport are very often detected. The training covers long-distance transports as well as local (short distance) transports of live animals. Without official inspections, these transports would remain unmonitored. Therefore, inspections by the motorway police or control groups specialising in heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) are essential in ensuring that animals are protected during transport.

    Many police officers ask fundamental questions during animal transport controls, such as:

    •    How do we identify an animal that is not fit to be transported?
    •    How do we know that the animal is in pain or suffering from heat or cold stress?
    •    How many animals are allowed to be loaded onto the vehicle?
    •    Which transportation times are allowed for different types of animals?
    •    Which watering systems are adequate for the animals?
    •    Under which circumstances should the veterinary inspection office be consulted?

    We are offering workshops for police officers, road transport inspectors, customs service and interested veterinarians.  We also offer workshops on road vehicle inspections for issuing the authorization for animal transport and on the retrospective checks of animal consignments especially for veterinarians.

    Sometimes we cooperate with other non-governmental organizations such as Eyes on Animals (the Netherlands) or Welfarm (France) as well as
    police officers specialized in animal transport inspections. They join us to teach the analyses of the tachograph printouts to veterinary authorities.
    In Hungary, between 2012 and  2015 we trained police in ten different counties in cooperation with  Eyes on Animals.
    In Poland, we have been offering police training since 2015 for the inspectors of Road Transport Police (Inspekcja Transportu Drogowego (ITD)). By the beginning of 2024, 15 out of 16 regions in Poland took part in our training.  Moreover, we trained official veterinarians, a few local Police stations and one customs service office. Besides two-day basic workshops, we have done many individual joint follow-up works in the field. Some resulted in the revocation of drivers' licences and a few even went to court with charges of animal abuse. The cases are still pending.
    In Germany, together with Dr Alexander Rabitsch (an experienced veterinarian), we provided workshops to hundreds of officials in the federal states of Saxony, Lower Saxony and Hesse. More courses are planned in Germany in the future as well.
    In March 2024 we had our first workshop in Spain specialising on the authorization of road transport vehicles and retrospective checks of animal consignments for veterinary authorities and rural police. We were invited to repeat the training in the future due to the success of the training and positive feedback from the attendants.
    Here are some of the impressions from the competent auth orities we trained:
    - Customs service in Poland
    - Veterinary Service in Poland

