Year-long investigation in Lebanon: Overseas Transport, Animal Slaughter, and Environmental Pollution

[Translate to English:] Photo 6 Port Beirut, Spanish animals.
Investigation: Port of Cartagena

[Translate to English:] Bullen auf an der Tankstelle abgestellten Lkws in der prallen Sonne. Copyright: Animal Welfare Foundation & Sea Shepherd France
Exposed: Animal Cruelty at Sea

[Translate to English:] Quelle: Animal Welfare Foundation & Sea Shepherd France
Investigation at the Port of Rasa

[Translate to English:] „Med Rose“ im Hafen von Rasa bereit, um Tiere in den Libanon zu transportieren Copyright: Animal Welfare Foundation
Investigation in Cartagena: Spain's live export industry by sea

Pole biting: A sign of thirst. In sweltering heat, these animals are loaded onto the ATLANTIC ROSE from the truck.
Investigation in Cartagena: Spain's live export industry by sea

Ferdinand: Failure of the competent authorities to protect animals during transport

Ferdinand, Summer 2020.
Investigation: Exports of live animals to Lybia

[Translate to English:] Photo 1 Spanish bull in Port of Misurata.
How the scandalous livestock carrier ELBEIK became a ghost ship