Investigations by Topics:

19. November 2024

Budapest, Ungarn - Training For Competent Authorities

Inspektion eines Tiertransporters

Two trainings for Competent Authorities in october and november.

08. March 2024

Training on Animal Transport Inspections in Reus: Theory and Practice in Catalonia

07.03.2024 | Catalonia Spain | Reus

The training is divided in two parts. The first day is dedicated to learning on how to inspect the truck for the purpose of issuing the authorization to transport animals. 33 veterinarians and rural policeman attended the training. A German retired police officer with many years of experience on inspecting the…

14. November 2023

Training: Lublin Custom office

14.11.2023 | Poland | Lublin Custom office

Our team arrives at the customs office. A group of 30 customs officers is waiting for us. The first day of training is dedicated to a theoretical part of the Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and the Official control regulation. The attendants are posing many questions and are…

18. April 2023

Germany: Police training in Winsen / Luhe

Together with the police we are inspecting a truck loaded with pigs.

We have been invited for the sixth year in a row to hold a police seminar in Winsen (Germany) to  train police officers on animal welfare issues related to long-distance transports. The seminar consists of a theoretical part and a practical part involving animal transport inspections on the German highways A1, A7, and A39 in Lower Saxony.

The 17…

31. January 2023

Investigation with the Polish Road Transport Inspection (ITD)

Together with the Polish Road Transportation Inspection (ITD) our team is on the lookout for live transports.

Our team is driving to Wroclaw in Western Poland to support the Road Transport Inspection (ITD) with the inspection of live transports in this area. Surprisingly, this time we do not get to inspect any truck with animals on board. Moreover, we do not observe a single livestock truck (even an empty one) for two consecutive days.

It may seem…

13. October 2022

Seminar on live transports for police and official veterinarians in Giessen (Germany)

During a seminar for police and official veterinarians, our project manager Iris Baumgärtner gives a lecture on welfare problems during live transports. She is supported by Dr Claudia Eggert-Satzinger, an official veterinarian with many years of experience with inspections of live transports. The main topic are the requirements of the European…

29. April 2022

Police Training: Seminar on the inspection of live transports

Our project manager Iris Baumgärtner holds a presentation together with official veterinarian Dr Claudia Eggert-Satzinger on the protection of animals during transport.

Following the invitation of Dr. Madeleine Martin from the Hessian Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, our project manager Iris Baumgärtner holds a presentation on animal welfare problems during live transports. She is supported by Dr Claudia Eggert-Satzinger, an official veterinarian with many years of…

26. October 2021

Police Training | Osnabrück | Road inspections with police on the A33

The participants of the seminar are inspecting live transports on the A33 with police Osnabrück (Germany).

The theoretical part of the seminar was followed today by road inspections on a parking lot at the A33. It was a successful day for the participants of the seminar, resulting in 22 inspected live transports. Besides several transports loaded with pigs, we inspected cattle, calves, chickens, turkey chicks, horses, fish, goat kids, and a truck with…

25. October 2021

Police Training | Osnabrück | Seminar on live transport – Theory

Theory: „Inspections of live transports” at the police Osnabrück.

After the first seminar on road inspections of live transports in 2018 for the police in Osnabrück, we are now conducting a follow up seminar. Together with our expert, the veterinarian Dr Alexander Rabitsch, our team provides the welfare related provisions of the EU Regulation 1/2005, and the national regulation on the protection of animals during…