17. April 2018
Poland| Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report February cattle & horse markets

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01. March 2018
Poland | Skaryszew | Horse market and inspections of vehicles with ITD

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07. March 2017
Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Day 2

[Translate to English:] Der zweite Tag ist gemütlich und entspannt.
06. March 2017
Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Day 1

[Translate to English:] Unpassendes Fahrzeug, Stress und schlechtes Wetter führt zu gefährlichen Situationen für die Pferde und Menschen.
05. March 2017
Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Nighttime

[Translate to English:] Warten auf die Öffnung der Tore.
14. February 2016
Poland | Skarysew | Horse Market and transport of horses for slaughter

[Translate to English:] Pferde mit gefesselten Beinen.
30. October 2015
Poland | Bodzentyn | Meeting about the market in Bodzentyn

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13. March 2015
Poland | Bodzentyn | Meeting with the mayor of Bodzentyn

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