Uruguay | Cerro Chato | Long-distance horse race | Horsemeat import
While we are following the horses in our car and listening to the radio commenting the “raid” (long-distance race), we hear that a horse went down shortly before the finish. When the three horses winning the race approached the end of the 105 km distance, the second placed one broke down. According to the radio commentator, the horse rolled over but the rider is out of danger.
When we arrive at the scene, about half a kilometre before the finish, we find the mare lying on the ground. She is receiving an intravenous infusion and her wounds are being stitched by two persons at the same time. It is unclear to us if they are veterinarians. The mare has open, bleeding injuries on the front legs, shoulder, breast, in the face and above the eye. People are pouring water over her body to cool her down. We are told that this mare has never run a race as long as this one before. After a while, she manages to stand up. She looks completely exhausted and stands still without moving while having her wounds stitched.
We included long-distance horse races in our investigation 2016, as some “raid” horses are sold to EU approved slaughterhouses when they are injured and cannot be used in races anymore.