Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service
Szerzawy: Free trimming is the most valuable reward for the farmers who are members of our ATET programme.
In July, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is very busy again. We are starting our work by visiting two farms in Szerzawy. On the first farm, we notice that the owner did install many stable improvements since our last visit. He fixed one of the stable doors and whitened the walls. As a reward we trim hooves of his mare. On the next farm, we are meeting a farmer who is interested in joining our ATET programme for farmers who want to improve the living conditions for their animals. We are happy to welcome a new member and immediately provide him with tasks to improve the welfare of his animals.
Next, our team is driving to Niedospielin to check on the hooves of two mares suffering from canker. It seems the owner’s efforts are not enough to cure the disease. Therefore, we agree to change the treatment and to continue with monitoring the progress. Then, we are driving to a farm in Marcinkow. There we are taking care of the hooves of four horses that are under the care of our NGO.
Afterwards, we receive an emergency call. Our help is needed with a lame mare in in Okalina-Wies. The owner has been looking for a farrier for weeks without success. Now our team is here to help. After examining the mare, it becomes clear that she suffers from laminitis. The owner needs to call a veterinary specialised on working with horses to treat the mare. We trim her hooves and advise the owner to put her mare on a diet.
Also, on the next farm in Bardo, two limping cows need help. We trim their claws so that they can walk without pain again.
On our final visit, our team is driving to Michalow. We received information about a neglected horse kept by an old man. When we arrive, we just find an empty stable. Apparently, the owner sold the horse just a couple of days ago.
In July, our FAS team visited 21 farms, trimmed the hooves of 29 horses and the claws of three cows. Additionally, two new farmers joined our ATET programme.