Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom
TSB|AWF and EonA team joins Road Transport Inspection (ITD) east of Warsaw to assist in inspecting animal transports.
Day 1:
First animal lorry stopped for inspection is empty, however the design of this vehicle raises our concern. We will contact the approving veterinarian to make sure the steep loading ramp with side protections too short for cattle is improved. The second vehicle is a long distance semi-trailer, also empty. In the meantime we see several national poultry transports passing and hope to be able to inspect them later. After 2 hours of waiting, another semi-trailer is stopped for inspection. It carries cows to Kazachstan. Unfortunately, we find several problems in this transport: the driver did not take any hay or bedding for the animals, which is obligatory in long distance transports, as a result the animals were already forced to stand or lie in very soiled bedding. Moreover, temperature sensors were defective and route planning was unrealistic. The driver and the transporting company receive high fines, and relevant complaints will be sent to competent authorities.
Day 2:
A busy day! The first transport stopped is poultry transport from the same company we saw yesterday. Poultry transports are always very sad, but we are happy to see that the vehicle has a professional curtain suitable for winter and rather new cages. Three years ago, we were doing joint inspections with ITD in the same place and poultry transports were terrible, causing several deaths of birds. The inspectors confirm that soon after the fines imposed in 2016, the company changed its trucks to modern and complying. Next, we inspect two long-distance cattle transports. It is relieving to see that one is performed diligently, the inspection of the other one results only in a warning for the driver.