Poland | Monthly report September | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service
[Translate to English:] Eine Woche später in Walsnow kann unser Team eine Veränderung feststellen – eine brandneue Hundehütte.
[Translate to English:] Ein offener Unterstand erlaubt den Kühen, die meiste Zeit im Freien zu verbringen.
In September, our Polish team visited 12 farms. They trimmed hooves of 15 horses, claws of 4 cows and some goats. Just a few of these animals were limping; the rest just needed regular service. In Jeleniów, our team has seen a very good but sadly uncommon solution for cows: an open shed. This allows animals spend most of the time outside. In Jezow, Michal & Bogdan visited a sheep farm. The farmer wanted to buy an electric fence. He has already prepared a paddock for his herd. Now he needs to install new equipment. Next our farriers were called to limping cows at a farm in Jeziorko. The lameness was caused by overgrown claws. After trimming the cows could walk without pain again. Our team noticed that the dog house was in a very poor condition at this farm. They saw a similar problem with a dog house at a farm in Walsnow. Here, a stallion with cracked heels needed our help. Both farmers got warnings that we will stop providing our services if they do not improve dog houses before our next visit. A week later our team went to check the condition of the stallion and dog house in Walsnow. The farmer installed a brand new dog house, and our team could continue treating the stallion’s feet.