Poland | Monthly report January | Voivodeship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service
In January our FAS team in Poland visited 24 farms some several times and some for the first time. Our farriers trimmed hooves and claws of 24 horses, 4 cows and 1 bull. The temperature was low and weather was snowy so most of the work needed to be done inside the buildings. Twice our team was called because of limping animals. One horse and one bull required treatment. Mare Ordynacja needed dressing because of severe abscess in her hoof, whereas mare Mandy received pointment with antibiotics. The infection of the cracked heels spread over the all legs and some parts were swollen. Six horses were dewormed and two female dogs sterilized.
The team visited a farm in Jeleniow several times. This family has welfare and social problems and is under our constant supervision since years. Two years ago Mr B’s horses had been confiscated because of inadequate living conditions for animals. Due to disease and throwbacks in the family, the man is unable to care of himself, his dog and some chickens. Our team is very concerned about the situation and will ask for social care.