Livestock vessel ETAB finally refused access to Paris MoU region
The livestock carrier ETAB was detained three times in various EU ports due to serious deficiencies in the past 36 months. Our teams also repeatedly documented animal welfare violations during live transports carried out by ETAB. Most recently, our teams investigated the ETAB in July 2020 during the loading of animals in the Spanish port of Cartagena. For over an hour, dock workers tortured an immobilised bull during the loading procedures. Their attempt to load the seemingly paralysed animal onto the ETAB eventually failed.
In December 2020, the Port State Control finally reacted and refused the ETAB access to the Paris MoU region. The Paris MoU region includes all EU coastal states. The access refusal is valid for at least 12 months. In addition, we were notified by informed circles that the German Federal Office for Consumer Protection advised all ministries of the Federal States and their subordinate authorities of the access refusal on the basis of our research. Despite the good news, there are still many more unsuitable livestock carriers operating in Europe besides the ETAB that must be removed from operation. Our teams will continue with their work on sea transports until no more live animals are being shipped across the oceans.
Read the access refusal statement by the Port State Control