Poland | Wachock | Anna Lorenzen: Committed to animal welfare since 20 years
Anna has been committed to helping since 20 years. The first time she worked with us was over ten years ago at the largest regional Polish market for "slaughter" horses in Bodzentyn. Up to 1,000 horses per week, brutally handled, brutally loaded and transported. Today this market no longer exists, also thanks to Anna's consistent market inspections. Anna always found it easy to relate to local farmers and animal owners. It was through her that our teams gained access to the farms in the region and could drive with the mobile clinic to the farms. Not only horses live on these farms, but cows, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. These animals were also affected by the austerity prevalent in the region. Together with the team, Anna accompanied the successful neutering of 7,000 dogs and cats.
Anna has been the heart of the team for many years. Her phone almost never stood still. She received all animal welfare concerns from the large Swietokrzyskie region with around 20,000 animal owners: whether they were injured animals, lost puppies or farms that wanted to take part in our animal welfare programmes. Anna's phone number was written on the bus of our mobile clinic. She was the first contact for everyone. And Anna has always found quite unconventional solutions for the animals whilst she was working with us.
After 20 years of helping animals in need, Anna will start her well-deserved retirement in November. We wish her all the best with her many foster animals, her beautiful garden, and above all that she keeps her sense of humor. It was her humour that always kept us happy during our joint ventures. Her new life begins in November. Thank you Anna from all of us!