Poland | Monthly report May | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service
In May, our Polish farriers visited 32 farms. Most of them are visited by our team regularly. Michal & Bogdan have trimmed hooves of 39 horses, claws of 6 cows and 1 bull. Ten horses were dewormed and one treated for skin infection. A few animals needed trimming because they were limping; two horses had very neglected hooves. Our farriers visited a poor but very well maintained farm where a mare has her box and a paddock. It is a good example that poverty is not an excuse for keeping animals and the farm in bad condition. At two problematic farms the team were surprised to see some improvements. In Michalin the farmer finally started building the paddock for his horse (we have been trying to convince him for a long time to turn his horses out). At the next farm, the owner cleaned the yard and built a shed for his horses. They have much more space now. Another two farmers decided to extend their paddocks. We are pleased to see the positive effects of our work. It is very satisfying.