Poland | Kielce region | Inspection with ITD Kielce
On a very cold early morning TSB|AWF and EonA team helped the Road Transport Inspection (ITD) from Kielce assess the transport conditions of cattle. It was not our first time in this area, and we were happy to see that after previously imposed sanctions, the cattle was not transported on 2 decks in the swanneck. Unfortunately, two out of 3 controlled transporters tied most animals by the horns to elements of the trucks, which is forbidden. One transporter was fined on the spot, in the other case proceedings will be initiated. The effects of this joint action were immediately visible: during Saturday cattle market in the area, 90% of animals were wearing halters! A few days later we controlled another market in the area, and saw positive changes there as well.
We are invited by ITD Kielce to return there in the nearest future.