15. March 2021

ANIT Committee: Dossier presentation: "Evidence of serious and systematic infringements of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005"

Our expertise regarding systemic violations during live transports is in demand. This is why our team is presenting our dossier "Evidence of serious and systematic infringements of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005" to members of the ANIT Committee.

Our dossier summarises the systematic violations which our teams documented during inspections of EU long-distance transports during the last ten years. These include detour transports which are used to export animals to third countries despite bans. But also other violations which we have been reporting about for years, such as insufficient head space, lack of bedding, unsuitable drinking systems and inadequate food supply for the animals. All these violations cause the cruel transports we have been fighting against for years. 

Under the eyes of the EU, as guardian of the treaties, and the member states as the responsibles for animal welfare-compliant transports, millions of animals are loaded onto cruel transports within and from the EU to third countries every year. The fact that an EU committee of inquiry is now dealing with the subject of animal transport for the first time could become a milestone if the committee draws conclusions from the information presented to it. In the interests of animal welfare, in the interests of the animals.