Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report November: Farm Animal Service
This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts their work visiting a farm in Dabrowa Dolna. Here, we are treating two limping cows. After trimming the claws of the animals we talk with the owner about the possibility of joining to our programme. We are leave him information about the programme, as well as our rules and guidelines. Afterwards, we go to Wola Zamkowa where another cow needs help. This cow, however, does not need trimming. She is injured. The wound is caused by a chain that is tied around her horns. The owner has applied an amateur dressing, but the injury is not healing. We remove the dressing, disinfect the wound and leave it open to heal. Additionally, we put a cattle collar on the cows neck instead of a chain and inform the owner that he cannot use a chain ever again. Next, our team is driving to Psary to another cattle farm. There, the owner decides to join our programme. We trim the slightly overgrown claws of one of his cows. In general, the farm is well maintained though. However, the dog needs to be provided with better shelter. Before our next visit, the owner needs to renovate the old doghouse or replace it with a new one.
Later, we are going to farm in Przybyslawice where a limping mare needs help. During trimming we find an abscess. The wound is deep and the mare might be limping for a couple of days whilst the wound is healing. On a positive note, the owner has started to build new boxes for horses. They are almost finish and look good. Soon the horses will be able to move into their new place.
Then, our team is visiting a new farm that is interested in joining our programme. The yard is messy and the two dogs on the farm are living in poor conditions. The kennel for the German Shepard is too small and both dogs need new doghouses. Moreover, some of the cows need trimming. The barn, however, is quite well maintained. We are only going to cooperate with this farm if the owner will improve the living conditions of his dogs. We explain the rules and guidelines of our programme and decide on a follow-up appointment for our next visit together with the owner.
On our last visit during this month, we are going to Bieliny to trim the hooves of three ponies. This time we are trimming them on the paddock. Suddenly, one of the animals breaks through the electric fence and runs away. The other ponies go after him to the fields. We are trying to catch them for the next few hours. When the horses have finally and safely returned to the stable, the owner tells us that one of the ponies has a history of breaking out and does not respect the electric fence at all.
In November, our farriers visited 16 farms in total. They trimmed hooves of 22 horses and the claws of five cows. Moreover, a new farm has joined our Farm Animal Service programme.