Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report June: Farm Animal Service (FAS)
In June, our Polish farriers visited 15 farms, trimmed 9 horses and dewormed 1 mare. They have signed three new contracts with farmers in Swieradowice, Psary Podlazy and Nowy Skoszyn. The farm in Swieradowice is one we used to visit in the past. We have not been here for a while and we are happy to see big changes since our last visit: two new boxes for horses and much more space on the yard (the old barn was demolished). Next, three limping horses are trimmed by our farriers; the team also checks the improvements at a few other farms. In Porudzie, the owner has built a second paddock in front of his farm. Unfortunately, in the stable, the wall separating the horses still needs to be fixed in a safe way. In Niedospielin, the farmer set up a fence on the yard, separating horses from his machines and warehouse. In Mosty, we see a new dog house. The owner has met our expectations, so we are going to bring him a dog house for his third dog, as we have promised. In Bieliny, the farmer needs to build a kennel for his new dog. Now, dog is chained to a hen house without proper protection against the weather. Finally, we reach the farm in Podgorze. This place has been under our supervision for years. The family is poor and indolent. They keep cattle and several dogs. The dogs are in a good shape but we notice a lot fleas, so we apply an antiparasitic agent. One of the dogs is kept between old junk, we are going to provide him with a new dog house, but the owners need to clean up the place first.