Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report May: Farm Animal Service
Wola Zamkowa. The dog’s kennel is full of excrement. We are asking the owner to clean it immediately.
Porudzie. The hooves of this mare were not trimmed for almost six months. Our FAS-farriers are looking after her.
Finally, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team can continue with their work for the animals in May after the COVID-19 restrictions forced us to pause our work for two months.
Our first visit is on a farm in Sieradowice. The owner set up an electric fence and extended the paddock. Now his animals will have more space and enjoy their time on the pasture. As a reward for his good work, we are trimming the hooves of his horse. Also, in Jezow a farmer decides to get a fence setup from us. He is planning to build a new paddock for his animals. On next farm in Niedospielin, the farmer has renovated the fence of an already existing paddock. It looks solid and we are happy with the results. As a reward for his commitment to his animals we trim hooves of his five mares.
Next, our team visits three farms in Wola Zamkowa. At first, we trim the hooves of a 27-year-old horse. He picks us his front legs without a problem. However, during trimming hind legs he seems to be bored and starts moving around making trimming more difficult. Also, on the next farm our farriers must deal with difficulties during trimming. It seems that the owner of a young stallion did not train him to pick up his legs since our last visit two months ago. Since not even the farmer can hold up the horse’s leg, we have to postpone the trimming. Before our next visit, the owner must train his stallion to pick up his legs. On the third farm, our team notices a very dirty dog kennel. We reprimand the owner and require him to clean the kennel immediately.
Then we are taking care of the hooves of the horses under AWF|TSB care. Afterwards, our team is visiting a farm in Porudzie. The hooves of the owner`s mare were not trimmed for almost six months and are extremely overgrown. Our farriers take care of her immediately. Next, we are driving to a farm in Lechow to examine a limping bull. During trimming we do not find any problems with the claws. However, we notice a swollen pastern and advice the owner to immediately call a veterinarian.
After our forced break, our team was very busy in May. In total, we trimmed the hooves of 25 horses and the claws of one bull, two cows, and two goats. Moreover, two horses were dewormed, and three paddocks were built thanks to the electric fence set ups provided by our team.