Poland | Katowice - Żernica | Practical work with ITD Katowice
The team drives early morning to an inspection place on A4 highway near Gliwice, in order to support inspectors from Katowice Road Transport Inspection (ITD) in their daily work, with focus on animals. Together we inspect 2 pig transports and 1 chicken transport. One transport is correct and can continue without any problems. This driver is inspected by ITD with TSB|AWF and EonA team third time now and is one of rare examples of transports without infringements. The other pig transport is not as good and the driver is fined and allowed to continue being obliged to repair the divider before next consignment is loaded. In the chicken transport we are worried to see broilers transported in containers with very slippery floor which does not give any grip. As a result, the birds have problems to lift themselves and move. There are also dangerous gaps where legs can be trapped. We will write to the competent authority supervising the owner of the containers.