05. April 2024

The Brussels Times: Why are unsafe ships still being allowed in the EU?

The Belgian "The Brussels Times" thoroughly examines how it can happen that defective and problematic ships are repeatedly allowed for the transport of living animals.

04. April 2024

OE24 report: The most dangerous ships in the world

The Austrian portal OE24.at picks up our film and report. A clear sentiment is shared: No living animals belong on a ship!

15. March 2024

BTSF Training: Important Workplace for Animal Welfare

Our project manager Magda Romanska participated in the BTSF training organized by the EU Commission. The so-called "Better Training for Safer Food" aims to implement EU regulations related to food safety, as well as plant, animal, and One Health (the interconnection of human, animal, and environmental health).

During her presentation, Magda was…

12. March 2024

Animal Transport Inspection: Training in Spain

We trained local authorities in Reus, Catalonia (Spain). Local police and veterinarians were further educated by our veterinarians Tea and Maria on inspecting animal transports. The collaboration with the authorities is a great benefit for all parties: only through this can officials and veterinarians pay attention to the crucial details in animal…

11. March 2024

Hidden Autopsy Reports: Pferde.de reports on new revelations in Iceland.

Iceland's state television follows up on our revelations about the trade in blood mares and uncovers further atrocities.

08. March 2024

Training on Animal Transport Inspections in Reus: Theory and Practice in Catalonia

07.03.2024 | Catalonia Spain | Reus

The training is divided in two parts. The first day is dedicated to learning on how to inspect the truck for the purpose of issuing the authorization to transport animals. 33 veterinarians and rural policeman attended the training. A German retired police officer with many years of experience on inspecting the…

22. February 2024

Experts clearly in favour of PMSG abandonment: Das Wochenblatt reports on our new film.

With our new film, we demonstrate compelling reasons to abstain from using the hormone PMSG - a ban on the production, import, and application of the hormone must now ensue.

22. February 2024

WDR and Bremen 2 report on another transport catastrophe off the coast of South Africa.

19,000 animals are currently suffering on the transport route from Brazil to Iraq on an animal transport vessel.

10. February 2024

[Translate to English:] Investigation in Argentinia: Bloodfarm Syntex

[Translate to English:] Blutstute mit offener, unbehandelter Wunde am Hinterbein.

In early February, we spent a week observing the Argentine blood farm Syntex, where blood is taken from pregnant mares for the PMSG preparation Fixplan, which is exported to Europe and Germany.

On the pastures of Syntex, we found sheer misery. Nearly every other mare was lame or had open wounds. For years, we have criticized the blood collection…