Italy | Porto Viro | Inspection of a lamb transport from Romania
Our team follows a Croatian truck with lambs on board starting at the Slovenian-Italian border. The truck loaded too many lambs. We are informing the highway police. Shortly before the scheduled inspection, the truck leaves the motorway near Venice and continues south on the national road.
It is midnight when the Italian police officers, the Carabinieri, stop the truck at Porto Viro. There are 800 Romanian lambs loaded on four floors. This is way too crowded for the animals and they can hardly stand up straight because of the low ceiling height. We discover a lamb whose leg is trapped. Fortunately, we can free it. Otherwise, the lamb could have suffered from a broken bone or severe bruises if it had been transported further in this condition.
The animals are thirsty because they were not supplied with water on the way. The drinking system is designed for pigs and unsuitable for lambs. The Carabinieri will forward the violations to the responsible veterinary office now. The transport continues for the lambs. They will be slaughtered for the upcoming Easter feast in Southern Italy.